Please scan the picture page of your passport before starting the application, read the following and then follow this link to the application form.
Use the this link to add any missing documents or flight information after you have submitted your original application.
Once you have completed the Sar-El Canada application you will be sent a link by Sar-El Israel where you can pay the mandatory, Sar-El Israel, registration fee, ($120 USD for the first week plus $60 USD for each additional week) submit the Sar-El Israel Waiver and get final approval.
Be sure you receive your final approval from Sar-El Israel BEFORE BOOKING ANY NON-REFUNDABLE AIRFARE, HOTELS, INSURANCE ETC.
Note: The Beit Oded hostel is permanently closed.
First time volunteers:
- Must arrange for a personal interview with with a regional Sar-El Canada representative by calling (416)781-6089 or (514)735-0272.
- Require a letter of reference from a rabbi, another recognized community leader or a former Sar-El Volunteer.
All volunteers:
- Your passport number, email address, and other personal information will be sent to Sar-El Israel and shared with the IDF for security clearance.
- Applications must be received at least 6 weeks prior to the start date.
- You must submit a non-refundable $100 CAD ($50 for students) fee to Sar-El Canada by cheque, payable to Sar-El Canada or via Interac email transfer to
- There will also be a registration fee, ($120 USD for the first week plus $60 USD for each additional week) payable to Sar-El Israel, once your application is approved by Sar-El Canada. This fee is paid online by credit card via a special registration link that will be provided by Sar-El Israel.
- You must apply to, and be approved by, Sar-El Canada before you receive the Sar-El Israel registration link,
- Make a paper copy of the documents listed below and indicated with an asterisk * to keep with you in Israel.
- Both the Israeli and Canadian sites will require that you upload some or all of the following scanned documents.
We recommend that you scan and save the following required documents. A passport is required to start your application. Note: you should start your application as soon as you have scanned your passport to minimize processing times. Additional documents should be submitted as soon as they become available.
- * A clear copy of the picture page of your passport. (required to start your application)
- * The Sar-El medical certificate completed and signed by your doctor and yourself and dated within 6 months of your departure date.
- * Proof of medical travel insurance including Covid medical and quarantine. Trip cancellation and interruption insurance is highly recommended.
- If this is your first time, a letter of recommendation from your rabbi, another recognized community leader or a former Sar-El Canada Volunteer.
Missing Documents
A passport is required to submit an application but if you only have some of the other required documents you may submit them at a later date through this link.
While we will accept an expired passport for your IDF security clearance you must travel with a passport valid for at least 6 months after your return.
If you require a new passport, please submit your existing (even if expired) passport with your application form and your new passport when you receive it.
If you don’t have a document scanner you may be able to use your smartphone or tablet to photograph and upload the documents. You may also send paper copies (not originals) of the necessary documents to our Montreal or Toronto offices where they can be scanned and uploaded for you. Sar-El Canada makes every effort to safeguard your personal information and we do not recommend sending sensitive information via email.
Be sure to read and understand the Key Planning Tips and Program Dates. You must arrange your own air transport, holiday and weekend (Thursday night to Sunday Morning) accommodations.
Do not make non-refundable reservations until you are assured of acceptance into the program.
We recommend that you arrive the day before your start date. Be sure to plan to meet the group no later than 8:30 AM on the start date of your program.
Meet the group at Terminal 3, David Ben Gurion airport, at gate 1, Arrival, near Aroma Coffee and Exit 24. The meeting place will be confirmed by Sar-El Israel a week before your program start date. The Madrichot will tell you where to meet on the second and third weeks if applicable.
You will require a mobile phone with WhatsApp installed to receive group communications.
If you do not see the group when you arrive, please contact Laura:
- Phone inside Israel: 054-258-6688
- E-mail:
Programs normally end after work on Thursday. Remember to leave enough time to travel to the airport when booking your return flight which should not be before 10PM on the last day of your program.
After acceptance into the program, submit your Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv) arrival flight information: airline, flight number, date and time to the Sar-El Canada office.
This information is rapidly changing. Please consult your airline and the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date requirements and regulations. See the following links for the latest information.
Please be aware that the IDF may have more stringent vaccination requirements for participation than the entry requirements to Israel. Please check with Sar-El Canada to confirm the most recent IDF requirements.
At this time you will be expected to have 3 Rapid Covid Tests in case you are unwell at any time.
Entering IsraelThere are no current requirements for an entry form but be sure to check for the most current entry requirements at the Government of Israel web site.
You are required to have adequate health insurance. Sar-El provides no hospital/medical insurance coverage for volunteers, whether on or off the base. So, if necessary, purchase appropriate additional coverage, since adequate health insurance is essential.
Canadian Medicare coverage, alone, is not adequate.
Medical travel insurance including Covid medical and quarantine is mandatory. Trip cancellation and interruption insurance is highly recommended.
You must have at least a clear, scanned copy of your passport (current or recently expired) to submit an application. Other missing documents or flight information may be submitted later via the second link below.
The following link allows you to submit your application including all available documents:
Use the following link to add any missing documents or flight information after you have submitted your original application: